Manning Law Blog

What Should I Do if I’m Under 21 and Get Charged With a DWI in NC?

10/05/2016 -

The North Carolina Laws about Underage DWI’s With college back in session, it can be easy for students to get wrapped up in football tailgates, parties and more. For those students under 21 years of age, getting caught driving in North Carolina with any amount of alcohol or illegal substances present in the blood can… Read more »

Thomas C. Manning Receives Prestigious Legal Award

03/04/2016 -

For Immediate Release Cary, N.C. – Manning Law Firm’s founding partner Thomas C. Manning has received the Wade M. Smith Award for outstanding criminal defense work from the North Carolina Bar Association Gathering last Thursday, February 25, 2016 for the 8th Annual Peter S. Gilchrist III & Wade M. Smith Awards Dinner at the Embassy… Read more »

Speeding In North Carolina: A Crash Course On NC Traffic Laws

10/01/2015 -

According to the Garner Police Department, over 1,200 car wrecks occurred in Garner in 2014, 200 of which listed speeding as a contributing factor. Such startling spikes in faster, more reckless driving forced the Garner police to start cracking down on US-70 speeders this year. But what does that mean for you? What the law… Read more »

What Constitutes A Legal Arrest?

09/08/2015 -

Over the past year or so, the arrest process in this country has become stigmatized, leaving many Americans pointing the finger at the justice system and those who work for it. Tensions have only thickened as new allegations and actual crimes of police brutality continue to surface. Whatever the direct cause of unrest, people are done… Read more »

The Reality of the Appeals Process

06/25/2015 -

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s newsworthy conviction in the Boston Marathon bombings has awakened much frustration, ignorance, and, most of all, confusion about the appeals process and its role in the judicial system. And though he has received the most severe capital punishment, much of the American public fumes at the idea of our court system entertaining Tsarnaev… Read more »

Welcome to the Manning Law Firm Blog

01/13/2015 -

Welcome to the blog for Manning Law Firm! We are a criminal defense law firm in Raleigh lead by the father and son partnership of Thomas C. Manning and T. Taylor Manning. We represent clients facing state level criminal charges, federal criminal charges, DWIs and other traffic infractions. With more than four decades worth of… Read more »